
Future Hopes

I'm currently a live-in nanny. Definitely not the job I ever thought about getting and not one I enjoy. It keeps me fed, sheltered and it's how I got Liwanu. One of the things I hate most about this lifestyle is that I have very little control over the treatment of my dog. My boss's husband is borderline abusive towards the animals in this house and towards his own children. He's emotionally abusive to the humans and physically towards the children and animals. My boss has finally gotten sick of it so she is searching for another place for her and her children, the dogs and I. If all goes well Mikazaru will never have to suffer at the hands of an idiot again. Most of Liwanu's issues come from the treatment he's suffered at the hands of my boss. He's only a pup but he's learned to bite before he can be bitten. Everyone please keep your fingers crossed that this works out like a dream.

On a happier note, I'm working on a short story about Liwanu from his point of view (or as close to it as I can get) I will also be writing one from my point of view. Not only about him and I but about my life before Dog. When I get far enough along (I'm only about 150 pages into the Liwanu side of the story) I'll post some excerpts. Maybe you all can tell me what needs improving at that time.

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